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MTU Aero Engines signs expanded Cooperative Model contract

Bonn – MTU Aero Engines is expanding its military engine maintenance activities. The company has signed a contract with the German Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung - BWB) on the expansion of the existing industry-military cooperative model of engine maintenance ("Cooperative Model"). The agreement widens the scope of maintenance, which had so far involved only the Eurofighter EJ200 engine, to include also the RB199 (Tornado), J79 (Phantom) and RR250-C20 (BO 105 helicopter) powerplants, all of which will be repaired under MTU's industrial leadership. The ten-year contract is worth totally 370 million €, of which approximately 100 million € are additional sales for MTU. The Bundeswehr (German armed forces) will save 37 million € through the deal.